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Pre-Enroll In The Sew-A-Thon Today
Pre-Enroll In The Sew-A-Thon Today
Zambia Update #2

Zambia Update #2

Hi everyone,

We just wanted to share a quick note that last week we polished off all of the fundraising required to fully fund the Zambian Seamstresses project in Lusaka Zambia. We want to thank the 7 customers and friends that joined us by giving funds directly to Kids 4 The Kingdom, and the countless customers that bought items in December. Together we were able to make this project a reality. Because of your generosity 40 Zambian women are going to get trained to be seamstresses, they’re going to get several machines, which they’ll use together, and supplies, and they’re going to work cooperatively to sell at the local Tourist Market. Their work will directly benefit the 475 orphans in their community by having a portion of all they earn go to a feeding program at the local school. Awesome right?!

In fact – ‘shocker’ we ended up over-fundraising by $1,000. We crushed it. So in addition to the 40 Zambian seamstresses being trained and equipped, the Needs Care Center in Lusaka is going to be able to accomplish a bonus project. That’s the kind of bonus we like!

Thanks again,

Cinnamon & Jason

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