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Zambia Update #1

Zambia Update #1

Hi everyone,

Our special project for the Fall of 2010 is to equip 40 widows, (and single ladies), through Esther’s Needs Care Center in Lusaka Zambia. They’ll get sewing supplies and training so they can generate income for themselves, and for the support of 475 orphaned children in their community. Your support of Liberty Jane is making this possible.

Esther Makandawire is the Program Director. Her and her team have identified the participants, and all they’re waiting for is the funding to make this amazing effort a reality. They’ve even done market research, identified items that will fetch top dollar, and found a wonderful selling location, (the Saturday Market in Lusaka where all the tourists go).

The amazing part is that these 40 ladies aren’t just starting a business for their own benefit, or for the benefit of their family alone. They are doing it to support the orphans at Esther’s Needs Care Center. Imagine that! 40 Widows, joining together to care for 475 orphans, and we get to help.

Can you imagine having 40 widows trained and equipped to start their sewing efforts, going to the local market on a mission to make money to support the orphans in their community? That is going to be amazing. We’ve got to be a part of that story!

To help achieve this terrific goal we are going to dedicate the profits from our Fall Line to this special project. In 2009 Jason (Cinnamon’s husband, Libby’s dad, and co-founder of Liberty Jane) had the honor of visiting the Needs Care Center, meeting Esther and the staff, and the children. This is a special place, and we are honored to be able to support them.

Would you like to participate in this exciting project?

First, you can bid on one of the auctions at our EBay Store.

Or, simply visit Kids For The Kingdom now: (the paypal donate button is on the bottom of the front page) In your paypal note simply include the word “Zambia Sewing Project”. That’s all you need to do.
And as a special incentive, if you give a gift, (of any amount), we’ll give you a free coupon for 2 free patterns from Liberty Jane Patterns. Visit the Kids For The Kingdom website today and join with us on this exciting project.
*(Note, Please allow some time for us to coordinate with Kids 4 The Kingdom, verify you gave, and send you the coupon. Your coupon will arrive via email. And don’t forget to place a memo saying “Zambia Sewing” in the paypal checkout process. That’s our only way of identifying your participation in this special project).
Together we can make a huge difference in the lives of these amazing ladies. We can do it. We don’t have to throw our hands up in the air and ignore the issue. There are 53 million orphans in Africa due to all causes, and that’s overwhelming. But 40 Zambian seamstresses are waiting to make a difference for 475 kids. They have the ability, and motivation, and just need the training and tools. Let’s help them make this a reality.
Jason & Cinnamon Miles
& The Liberty Jane Team!


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