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Pre-Enroll In The Sew-A-Thon Today
Pre-Enroll In The Sew-A-Thon Today

Join The Academic Success Team Today!

Help Us Support The Needs Care School

Students need help beyond just uniforms and hygiene supplies. We can help the make the Needs Care school a wonderful place to learn - and assist kids with academic scholarships too.

Help The Teachers & Children For Just $28 A Month

Learn More About How This Effort Started

Last year we began to envision helping the school teachers and students. Although we first envisioned the support as scholarships for individual children, after a year of trying to work it out, we realized it was just too complicated.

So rather than try to match an individual donor to an individual child, we are simply calling on good-hearted donors to join us with a monthly recurring donation that will fund the school budget. We've started at Needs Care School, and as we grow, we’ll add more schools.

Meet Just A Few Of The Teachers And Students

What Your Support Helps Provide

Teacher Salaries

Due to a lack of funds, the teachers at Needs Care receive just half of the monthly salary as an average school teacher in Lusaka. With your help, we’ll get them where they need to be.

School Lunch Program

Combined with the efforts at the 3 Esthers Farm, we are striving to feed all the children at the school 5 days a week. Without your help, it won’t be possible.

Maintenance Budget

Managing a school with almost 1,500 children is a huge challenge. With your help, we’ll have the maintenance and repair budget we need to keep the school working well.

Support Staff

The cooking staff, night guards, and janitorial team all work hard to support the school. With your help we’ll ensure they have good jobs and fair wages.

After School Programs

With your help we’ll provide after school clubs and programs to ensure the kids have something safe and positive to do. Things like scouting clubs and girls groups.

Supplies & Resources

With your help we’ll ensure the teachers have the supplies they need to teach the kids.

Select Scholarships

The dream of the Needs Care staff is to expand from 1-7 grades to offering a full secondary school with grades 8-12. Until then, we can assist deserving students with scholarships to ensure they attend secondary school. These are awarded based on academic merit & administered in collaboration with the secondary schools they attend.