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Sew-A-Thon Fundraiser 2022

What is a Sew-A-Thon Fundraiser

Did you know that September is National Sewing Month in the United States? Sew Powerful will be joining the fun by conducting a month-long Sew-A-Thon Fundraiser to support our work in Zambia. Our Sew-A-Thon will be a “time boxed” activity where enrolled participants will sew as many purses as they can from September 1 through September 30.

Sew-A-Thon Goals

Because Sew Powerful is working hard in Zambia to provide good paying jobs, food for hungry children, and purses with feminine hygiene supplies so girls can stay in school, we need your help. The Sew-A-Thon Fundraiser has a goal of enrolling 250 purse makers. We hope you will join us!

It’s Easy and Fun to Participate!

1. Enroll

The enrollment period ended
August 31st.

2. Ask Family & Friends For Support

Send an email or text to friends and family asking them to make a financial donation to Sew Powerful in support of your efforts. We can help. See below.

3. Report Your Results

Make purses, keep a count, and report your purse making results no later than October 8th. Use this form to report your results HERE.

How We Will Support You

  1. We have crafted a friendly message you can simply cut and paste into an email, or text message, and let your friends and family know you are participating in the Sew-A-Thon. The message will kindly ask them to recognize your efforts with a financial gift. You will receive this messaging immediately by return email after you enroll.
  2. You will receive separately by email, a link to your very own personal report that will show you who your supporters are, how much they have contributed, and the words of encouragement they are sending you. Please consider sending a thank you message individually to each of your supporters.
  3. Watch the weekly Sew Powerful Newsletter for updates and words of encouragement.

How We Will Recognize You

  1. Sew-A-Thon participants who individually raise more than $600 will automatically become an Atelier Angel at the Emerald level, receive the Welcome Packet, and will enjoy all the benefits of the program. To learn more, visit the Atelier Angels page HERE.
  2. Sew-A-Thon participants who individually raise more than $1000 will automatically become an Atelier Angel at the Sapphire level, receive the Welcome Packet, and will enjoy all the benefits of the program. Learn more about Atelier Angels HERE.
  3. Chapter Leaders of Registered Chapters who enroll in the Sew-A-Thon will automatically become an Atelier Angel at the Emerald level, receive the Welcome Packet, and will enjoy all the benefits of the program. Learn more about Atelier Angels HERE.
  4. The 3 Sew-A-Thon participants who make the most purses will receive a 2022 Sew-A-Thon t-shirt as a thank you for your participation. All others will be able to purchase the shirt from our Amazon merchandise store.
  5. The individual who ranks number 1 in fundraising will be invited to attend the upcoming Sew Powerful Sewing Retreat at no cost. Details and dates to be announced.

Key Dates

August 1 – 31

Purse makers enroll in the Sew-A-Thon

August 1 – September 30

Your supporters make donations to Sew Powerful as part of the Sew-A-Thon Fundraiser. You check your personalized report to see how your part of the fundraiser is going and to read your supporters words of encouragement.

September 1 – 30

You make purses. Keep count. You can even send them in during the month.

October 8

Last day to report your September purse count.

October 11

Sew Powerful Newsletter will report the results of the Sew-A-Thon

Links You Will Need

Purse Makers’
Enrollment Form

Ended August 31

Purse Makers’
Final Count Reporting Form

Due by October 8

Financial Donation Form

Due by September 30

FAQs and Sew-A-Thon Guidelines

Q. I don’t sew. How can I participate?

A. You are welcome to make note cards, but you should also ask friends and family to make donations. Through your fundraising efforts you will become eligible for the recognitions available based on the financial amount your supporters have contributed to Sew Powerful.

Q. I feel awkward about asking friends and family to contribute financially. What should I do?

A. We understand it can be uncomfortable asking friends and family to donate. That’s why we’ve been especially thoughtful in crafting the wording of the suggested message. Typically, friends and family are honored to be asked to contribute to a cause you are so passionate about. Some will give more than others but every gift counts and each is very much appreciated.

Q. How will I get the message with the wording asking for support?

A. As soon as you register, you will receive an instruction email for your use only, a second email with the suggested wording and link to make a donation, and a third email that will give you the link to your personalized progress report.

Q. Can I post my participation and ask for supporters on social media?

A. Yes, we hope you will! We would encourage you to use the suggested message you will receive by return email right after you register. It will be important that your post contain the instructions and link so your social media friends and followers can support you. And don't hesitate to post updates throughout September and include photos of the purses you make for the Sew-A-Thon fundraiser. Use hashtag: #SPSew-A-Thon2022

Q. Should I send group emails or group texts to my prospective supporters?

A. For best results, we suggest that you send a separate message to each of your prospective supporters.

Q. Are my supporters making a donation based on the number of purses I make?

A. No. Your supporters are simply recognizing you and supporting a cause you are passionate about. Supporters give what they can; purse makers sew as many purses as they can. Each is contributing to Sew Powerful in their unique way.

Q. How will you know how many purses I make?

A. You will report your results on a form by October 8th. That’s why it will be important to keep track of the purses you sew during September. You will find the reporting form HERE.

Q. Should I report the number of purses I send during September or make during September?

A. You should report the number of purses you MAKE. You can send the purses during the month of September or after the Sew-A-Thon is complete. We want to track how many you make.

Q. Can I be cutting out purses now to sew in September?

A. Yes you can. We consider this a SEW-A-Thon, emphasis on sewing. You don’t have to do it that way, but by having at least some of your purses pre-cut, you are certainly much more likely to sew more in September. We do ask that any purses you have started sewing before September 1, not be counted as part of the Sew-A-Thon, but please do complete them and send them in.

Q. I am already an Atelier Angel. How will my supporters help me with an Atelier Angels membership?

A. The funds contributed by your supporters can boost your level up to Sapphire Atelier Angel, based on the amount you raise.

Q. By looking at my personalized report, I see that I have not raised enough to become an Atelier Angel. What can I do?

A. Before September 30th, you can personally make a financial contribution to bridge the gap between what your supporters have donated and the $600 needed to become an Atelier Angel at the Emerald level or $1000 to become an Atelier Angel at the Sapphire level. Use the Supporters’ Financial Donation Form (HERE) and select your own name from the dropdown menu. Or you can simply enroll in the Atelier Angels program any time, as a monthly contributor.

Q. I am still forming my Chapter but would like to automatically become an Atelier Angel. What should I do?

A. Follow the steps in the Chapter Formation Sta​rter Kit to register your Chapter and then also enroll in the Sew-A-Th​on by August 31. Those two steps will automatically put you in the Atelier Angels program at the Emerald level.

Q. If I become an Atelier Angel through the contributions of my supporters, how long does my membership last?

A. Your membership will be for one year. If the 2022 Sew-A-Thon is a success, we will repeat it next year and your supporters in 2023 could cover your membership for another year, so be sure to send thank you messages to those who support you this year.

Q. Some of my Sew-A-Thon supporters would prefer to mail a check rather than contribute online. What should they do?

A. We would be happy to accept your supporters’ checks. Please have them include ‘Sew-A-Thon’ and your name on the memo line. Checks should be mailed to arrive by September 30th to: Sew Powerful, 229 Clark Ave, Ste O, Yuba City, CA 95991

Q. How do I handle donations of cash or checks made out to me?

A. For a gift of cash or for a check made out to you, simply endorse the check and deposit the check (or cash) into your own personal bank account. THEN return to this page and go to the 'Links You Will Need' section. Select 'Supporter's Financial Form'. That will take you to the donor's form. Fill out the form and select your own name from the list of participating purse makers. Use your own name and email address as the donor. In the comments section you can add 'Check (or cash) from [name]'. You will actually be making a donation to Sew Powerful using your own credit card or with PayPal, but you will have the money in the bank from your supporter's donation.

Q. Can I sew and contribute as part of a Chapter or team?

A. At the present time our Sew-A-Thon is not setup to account for or recognize groups. While it is certainly fun to sew as a group, and you may certainly do that, please report only your individual purse contributions. Your messages to your friends and family asking for their financial support should come from you personally as well.