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Changing a Girl’s Life, One Purse at a Time

 Ginny Buckley - Yatton, England


Back in 2017, I was browsing the internet, looking for sewing pattern possibilities for Ballgowns as my daughter had her school Ball (Prom) later in the year. I was kidding myself really. There was no way she'd go in a dress that Mum had made! One of the advertisements that popped up on the side of the screen was for a charity called "Sew Powerful". Not a charity I'd ever heard of, but something made me read it. 


What I read spoke to me immediately, maybe because I'm a woman, or maybe because I've got three daughters myself....who knows? 

I downloaded the pattern, made a bag and was rather pleased with the result. I was inspired to do more, so organised a sewing day at the church I attend. About eight ladies from church came, including an eight-year old who proved herself to be a "natural" with a sewing machine.


Everyone made a bag, and I displayed them at a Coffee Morning I hosted, again at church, a few weeks later. It was really well attended and we raised approximately £550 for Sew Powerful. I managed to send about 30 bags that year, and 45 the next along with another £550.

So far this year, I've hosted a Bread & Cheese lunch which raised £370 and am planning another Coffee Morning and a few sewing days.


I wouldn't describe myself as an academic person, I'm a bit insecure,

and am happiest as part of a team. I've come to realise though, that God has given me a talent that I can use to benefit other people. 

It's like the story of the man and the Starfish....every bag I make has the potential to change a girl's life, and for that I praise God.


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