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God Used My Mistake

God Used My Mistake

By Candace Carroll—Texas

I first heard about the Sew Powerful ministry when I was attending a business conference with my family. Though it was a business conference, that year there was a special emphasis on using our money, influence and businesses to help others in need rather than through charitable giving, our time or some other way.

Jason Miles was there to speak about his area of expertise in business, but also to present what he and his wife, Cinnamon, had done to help others in need. I was very intrigued by the Sew Powerful project; but when Jason began to give statistics about how badly the girls needed feminine hygiene products—I was stunned.

I immediately got on my phone right during his talk and began to look at the statistics myself. I was utterly shocked with what I found! I had no idea that in many countries, feminine hygiene products are considered a luxury and are often taxed! In third world countries, you would be lucky to find anything at all. My heart went out to those girls who were missing school because they had nothing at all.

When I got back home, my mom and I began to go through our leftover fabric to see what we could use to start making purses. I had a lot of different leftover fabrics from different projects, but one large piece of beige denim caught my eye. And that is when I realized in amazement that God had been providing for those girls even before I knew about Sew Powerful.

A few years ago, I had wanted to make a nice, beige denim skirt for myself. Still somewhat learning how to sew, I had bought way too much fabric for what I needed! I could have literally made two skirts with all that I bought!

After making the skirt, I stowed the several yards I had left away, figuring that I would use it sometime for something. When I came across it again with the other leftover fabrics I had, I remembered what had happened. God used my seeming mistake of buying way too much fabric to bless those girls in Africa.

So far, I have been able to make seven purses out of that fabric I have, and will probably be able to make many more. I consider it a great privilege to take part in Sew Powerful and to come alongside the ladies in Africa and help them where I can.


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