In Lieu Of Flowers Please Consider Giving To The Sew Powerful Community Center Building Fund

In 2015 Jerry and Barbara visited Lusaka Zambia with a desire to serve and share the good news of Jesus. Their hearts were touched by the ministry of Sew Powerful and they became strong advocates, donors, and daily prayer warriors for the ministry. Please consider honoring Jerry by giving generously and learning more about this cause that was near to his heart.
Help Us Today
To finish the project we still need $35,000. With your help we can complete the new building and begin helping even more people in Zambia.
Give A Gift Online Now

Learn More About This Project

In 2019 we were able to purchase a piece of land adjacent to the Needs Care School. This land has been cleared and a protective wall built around it. That was phase one. We did that privately with the help of a few donors, but without a public announcement.
Phase two is about to begin – the construction of the Sew Powerful Vocational Training Center. The upper floor of this two-story building will be the new home of the sewing cooperative. This will provide greater workspace and allow us to expand the number of seamstresses in the cooperative. The bottom floor will serve as community center, meeting space for vocational training, and will also serve as the location of the women’s health clinic. In Phase two the Soap Cooperative will also get a dedicated facility in a nearby building.
Phase three of the project will provide the furniture, fixtures and other resources necessary to make the vocational training center and soap cooperative spaces fully functional. As a bonus, the relocation of the sewing cooperative will allow that current space in the school to be transformed into the Needs Care School Library.
We invite financial gifts of all sizes to help make this new community center and library a reality in Zambia. All donations are tax deductible.
Project Updates
Follow along on our journey to create the new home of the Sew Powerful Sewing Cooperative.
Update Video 10: June 2020
Update Video 9: April 2020
Update Video 8: March 2020
Update Video 7: February 2020
Update Video 6: Quilt Of Joy Progress
Update Video 5: December 2019
Update Video 4: November 2019
Update Video 3: November 2019
Update Video 2: July 2019
Update Video 1: May 2019