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Cinnamon Was A Student Of Mine

Cinnamon Was A
Student Of Mine

By Tenney Singer—Montesano, Washington

I found out about Sew Powerful because Cinnamon Miles was a student of mine many years ago. I was interested in seeing what her life had become. I was amazed at what she had accomplished in the years since I had last seen her.

The purse project grabbed me:  I like to sew, I have a lot of material “leftovers” on hand, and I like to help people in need. This project seemed like a perfect way to use the skills and resources at hand to bless girls in Africa. 

I made one purse and felt pleased at the result. So I thought I’d do a couple more and send off three of them. I did that. But then I looked at the piles of cloth still in my storage bin, and decided I’d make an even ten for the project. I had so much fun designing and decorating them, and the last seven were quickly made and sent off. 

I will definitely get involved in this project again, and I have friends that also want to do it. We will have a purse party and see how many we can get done together. 

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