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Pre-Enroll In The Sew-A-Thon Today
Pre-Enroll In The Sew-A-Thon Today
Are You Sending Us Purses

Are You Sending Us Purses

Hi everyone,

With just four weeks left before our October 1, 2016 priority deadline, we’d love to know if you’re working to complete some purses and send them to us. We’ve made a simple poll that let’s you response – and will help us estimate the upcoming packages. Our goal is 3,000 and we estimate that we currently have 1,300 so there is a very long way to go!

And if you’ve already sent in your purses – we want to extend a huge “Thank You”. This program is only possible because of your amazing generosity – and partnership. We are increcibly honored to partner with each of you in support of the women and girls of Lusaka!

Whatever happens – we are grateful, honored, and super excited to celebrate during our Unboxing Party on October 26th at 6pm Pacific. Please plan on joining us that night and save-the-date.

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