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The iSEWlation 30 Day Challenge Kick-Off

Hi everyone, 

Welcome to our iSEWlation 30 Day Challenge! Our goal is to come together to make a difference during this challenging time! In case you missed it, watch the announcement video that explains the important reason this challenge is truly needed.

Four Major Contests Plus More: Over the course of the 30 day challenge, we'll be running 4 major contests. Each contest will last for a full week. The schedule is as follows:

Week One Contest: 3/20-3/27

Week Two Contest: 3/27-4/3

Week Three Contest: 4/3-4/10

Week Four Contest: 4/10-4/18.

More About The Contests: Each contest will have a fun prize and multiple ways to enter to win. This blog post (the one you're reading right now) - is the Week One Contest Post. (keep reading to find out how to enter - and about the prize). 

Daily Tips & More: We will sharing things that we hope are encouraging throughout the challenge. Things we share will be added primarily on the Sew Powerful Facebook Page and the Sew Powerful Instagram account, but we'll also add items to the weekly contest post (again - this week that's this post you're reading right now) so check back often. Our general schedule (but please be gracious if this changes) is to share the following:

  • A Daily Video From Zambia
  • A Daily Tip for intermediate purse makers
  • A Daily Bible Verse & Insightful Sew Powerful Parable
  • Reposts of YOUR pictures when you use the hashtag #iSEWlationchallenge
  • Random mystery prizes and gifts (possibly - who knows - time will tell) !!

A Complete Beginner Sewing Course: For those of you who are new to sewing - don't worry! We've got a complete introductory sewing course for you - for free! Be sure to get it here.

Enter This Week's Contest: This week we'll be doing lots of fun things to help keep you motivated, educated about our program, and included into our group. 

Entry Tool: We use a tool called Rafflecopter, that allows you to enter multiple ways - to win the prize. Look for the Rafflecopter Log-In tool just under this paragraph and follow the prompts to enter. It has all our official eligibility terms and conditions (sorry, for legal reasons, we can only run this contest in the U.S., we wish we could do it more broadly).

Enter Now With A Simple Comment: To make this week easy - and so the Rafflecopter tool doesn't slow you down if you can't figure it out - one method of entering the contest is to comment on this blog post. To do that simply scroll down to the bottom of this post and complete the sentence,

"I'm excited about the iSEWlation Challenge because ... "

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This Week's Prize: This week we are giving away an ultimate purse makers mega bundle as our prize. We want to especially thank the team from Renaissance Ribbons for their generous donations to help make this possible. One lucky winner will receive:

  • 10 purse straps (52 inches in length)
  • 15 yards (in 1 and 2 yard lengths) of cute Renaissance Ribbons
  • 12 Fat Quarter Bundles With Trendy Fabric
  • A cute sewing bag that was hand made by our team in Zambia and personally signed by the seamstress who made it
  • A cute little measuring tape
  • A cute little stone Giraffe from Zambia
  • A 50 piece pack of small charms



Please do us a huge favor and share this contest and the overall iSEWlation 30 Day Challenge with your friends and groups!

Grateful for your support,

Jason & Cinnamon & The Entire Sew Powerful Team! 

Previous article iSEWlation Challenge Week Two Contest

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