Zambia Design Academy Project

Cinnamon and I are leaving for Zambia later this week and we want to bring you along for the journey by blogging about it. We’ll do our best to both blog daily. I’ll blog here on www.sewpowerful.org and Cinnamon will blog on www.blog.libertyjaneclothing.com – be sure to follow along with both – if you want.
What will we be doing?
We’ll be there for 9 days and for 2 of the days we’ll be working with 20 aspiring seamstresses that need sewing & business training. We’ll also be going from house to house with HIV/AIDS Caregivers and helping at the Needs Care Center in Ngombe (the most desperate community in Lusaka) – a day school for 600 orphans.
We’ll be traveling with six students from Northwest University – we’re the trip coaches – and it’s an honor to help lead them on this journey!
If you want to help underwrite part of the training, (not our personal travel expenses), feel free to contribute here.
More soon,