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Sew Powerful Purse Campaign 2022

Join us in financial support of our effort to launch SafePads in Zambia. With your support we can become a Certified SafePads Facility. We welcome your highest and best gift toward our goal of $39,000.

Your Gift Is Urgently Needed To Help Us Reach More Students.
Join Us Today!

Dear Friends,

We began our Sewing Cooperative in 2009 with a desire to help local moms impact their community. We started with a group of just eight women, and for six years they faithfully made uniforms for the local children.

In 2014 we launched The Sew Powerful Purse Program and donors from around the world helped us reach school girls with health education and a beautiful purse filled with supplies needed to stay in school all month, even when they are on their period.

The purse has reusable hygiene pads, soap, and underwear. It also has an encouragement card from the western seamstress who made the purse.

God has really blessed this small effort as donors from around the world have helped us collect over 70,000 purses.

Today we employ sixty seamstresses in two locations, Lusaka and Livingstone and their lives are changed. They do well financially sewing the reusable pads for the purses.

But the program hasn't been without struggles. The largest ongoing challenge has been finding enough material in-country to make the pads. And also finding enough underwear to fill the purses. Last year we imported 40,000 pairs of underwear from Indonesia.

So we are incredibly excited about the opportunity to become a Certified Safepads Facility. Our program partner, Real Relief, is an international manufacturer of bed nets and anti-microbial fabric for reusable hygiene pads.

They source both the fabric and also underwear at a terrific price - and therefore solve our biggest problem. This move will allow us to simplify our supply chain, lower our costs, and produce more pads.

With your support, we can level-up our program substantially. We hope you'll join us today. The full program budget is $39,000, which will allow us to pre-purchase the supplies for the Q4 2022 purse distributions as well as re-tool with more Overlock machines in support of the new manufacturing process.

Won't you join us today?


With Love,

Jason & Cinnamon Miles