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Profile of a Sew Powerful Regional Coordinator

  • She is a passionate volunteer who uses her creativity to bring the Sew Powerful mission to life in her region.
  • She speaks to individuals about Sew Powerful, sharing materials and recruiting new volunteers.
  • She talks to small groups at church, clubs, scouts, schools, civic associations, or any friendly gathering.
  • She organizes and leads others in sewing days to introduce them to purse making.
  • She is a resource to Chapters in her Region, answering questions and encouraging members.
  • She volunteers to work at the Sew Powerful booth at Quilt Shows to expand our reach with quilters and other fiber artists.
  • She makes herself available to attend and participate in monthly Regional Coordinator meetings via Zoom.
  • She is an advocate for Sew Powerful, informed and knowledgeable about how and why we operate.

She could be you!

How to Join Sew Powerful as a Regional Coordinator

We need Regional Coordinators in the US and globally. If you fit the profile of a Regional Coordinator and have been wanting to expand your role with Sew Powerful, now is the time to act. Simply submit your application and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Regional Coordinators' Feedback

"This role allows me to not only pursue my passion for stitching with a mission, but also to inspire others to do the same, making a bigger impact."

Maryann, Western Massachusetts Regional Coordinator

"I am learning everyday how I can help fellow sewists in Iowa and encouraging others to join this wonderful mission."

Chris, Iowa Regional Coordinator

"Being a Regional Coordinator is stretching my job skills in just the right way, and I am looking forward to recruiting others to the program."

Christine, Missouri Regional Coordinator

"It has provided opportunity to meet many delightful purse makers and to participate in local quilt shows."

Susan, Oregon Regional Coordinator

"Serving as a Regional Coordinator has given me a better understanding of how the organization functions."

Kathy, Utah Regional Coordinator

"I enjoy encouraging other sewists to make purses and I've met some terrific people through my association with Sew Powerful!"

Laura, Nebraska Regional Coordinator

"It helps me step out of my own sewing room and comfort zone and join others who sew, sharing in the honor of reaching out to girls in Zambia bringing them hope and freedom."

Verna, Colorado Regional Coordinator

"I love the opportunity to help expand Sew Powerful’s presence and always look forward to meeting other fellow seamstresses."

Elizabeth, Pennsylvania Regional Coordinator

"I am blessed to be able to apply my classroom management skills to managing shows, organizing sewing events, and promoting Sew Powerful."

Peggy, Georgia Regional Coordinator

"Being a Regional Coordinator gives me insight into the heart of Sew Powerful and allows me to introduce sewing for a cause to people who are passionate about making a difference in the world."

Torey, California Bay Area Regional Coordinator

"I've been able to meet new people in my community and spread the good news about Sew Powerful and all we do to help the families and girls in Zambia."

Betty, Northern Arizona Regional Coordinator