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Why do we sometimes fail to recognize Jesus…when he’s standing right in front of us?


  • Concept: A man jumps in his car to run some errands. As he sits at a red light, he tries not to see the homeless couple with their signs on the corner. The entire story unfolds at that red light as the man struggles with what God would have him do.
  • Story Origin: Original
  • Setting: A suburban intersection
  • Precept(s):
    • We often rationalize away the call to reach out to someone in need.
    • In the separation of the sheep and goats found in Matthew 25, the standard of “favor” was helping those in need.
    • When we do unto those in need, we do unto Jesus.
  • Key Bible Verse: Matthew 25:40 The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
  • Additional Verses Referenced: Matthew 25:31-46


  • Written and Narrated by Dana Buck
  • Devotional Thoughts Narrated by Kim Pratt
  • Produced by Beneath Blue Skies Productions
  • Music Credit: “Cheery Monday” and “Stoic Morning” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By attribution 3.0 license


Sew Powerful Parables will tickle your funny bone, touch your heart and offer you a new way to experience God’s truth. Jesus often used parables to communicate His most important messages. Dana Buck picks up that tradition in a poetic, rhyming style that makes listening easy and enjoyable. All ages will love these stories full of memorable characters, insightful lessons and just plain fun.

After retiring from a 38-year career with the Christian non-profit organization, World Vision, Dana Buck now devotes himself full time to writing, speaking, and mentoring. His Sew Powerful Parables continue to grow in popularity as they charm audiences, readers and listeners. He is a Charter Board member for the nonprofit organization Sew Powerful, where he lends his expertise to further their mission of combating extreme poverty by training, equipping and empowering women and girls in the developing world. Dana resides in the greater Seattle area with his wife Grace and their neurotic cat. They have two children, Jared and Alyssa, and Alyssa is married to son-in-law, Ivan. No grandchildren yet, but Ivan and Alyssa do own and share their beautiful grand-dog, Odin. Reach Dana with comments or suggestions at