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Better Together

At Sew Powerful and Pixie Faire, we’ve always believed, and frequently said, we are better together. This week we’ve been challenged to apply that idea in response to the tragic events gripping our country.

We’ve spent all week discussing how best to engage – how best to lend our voice to the cause of justice. How best to express our genuine love and care for our black neighbors. We aren’t sure we have answers yet, nor do we understand the struggle or hurt, but our hearts are sure of a few things,

  • We stand with you
  • We stand for justice
  • We stand for equality
  • We stand for reform and change, so that all people feel the full benefits of a just and fair legal and cultural system 

We believe that bias, in any form, and used by anyone against another person, needs to challenged and corrected. That’s how we get better together. 

We are also sure about one thing ... prayer makes a difference.

We serve a mighty God that holds the whole world in His hand.

In times of trouble, we turn to Him. 

When we don't know what to do, we turn to Him.

When we are threatened physically, we turn to Him.

When we see injustice in our land, we turn to Him.

When we want healing for our communities, we turn to Him.

According to Psalm 91, God moves powerfully on our behalf as we turn our hearts toward Him. He provides:






His presence in times of trouble


We’ve spent the last decade trying to bridge two worlds. The world of American affluence and the brutal world of extreme poverty in Zambia – and the truth is – we thought our voices didn’t matter on issues in the U.S. But times change, and we believe God shines a light on issues through all sorts of methods, so that healing, hope, and true life in all it’s fullness can be everyone’s portion. We want that – for everyone – everywhere.

With Love,

Jason & Cinnamon Miles

Co-founders, Pixie Faire & Sew Powerful