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Learn More About Our South Africa Initiative
Learn More About Our South Africa Initiative

Sewing in the Most Unconventional Way


Amy Brooks, Pittsburgh, PA

My name is Amy Brooks. I was born without arms or legs, but I try not to let that stop me from living a productive life. I am able to do most things on my own, but I do them a little bit differently. I love being creative in many different ways, including art, photography, and of course, sewing, though I haven't been sewing for very long. It actually all started on a whim. I needed a purse that would hold my cell phone, but finding things that are suited to my particular needs are not always easy to find. So, I decided that I was going to make one. I bought a little kid's machine and I went for it. Though the machine did not work very well at all and I did struggle quite a bit through it, I was able to successfully make myself a simple little purse.

Through the process, I've found that I really enjoyed sewing. So, I quickly graduated from the little kids machine up to a Katherine machine by Baby Lock. A big jump, I know, but I believe that the accessible features of the Katherine such as the knee lift, which I actually turn upside down and use with my arm, the stop and start button instead of having to use a foot pedal, and the automatic needle threader are really the reasons that I'm able to be successful in my sewing.

I hadn't been sewing for long when I accidentally came across the Sew Powerful ministry or maybe it wasn't really an accident at all. The Lord has blessed me in so many ways over the years, especially with the people that he has brought into my life, and I love to give back, but I am not always able to do so financially or physically.

When I saw what your ministry was doing for the girls in Zambia with these purses, but not only that, sharing the love of Christ while doing so, and it had to do with sewing, something that I knew that I could do, I felt like this was the perfect thing for me to be a part of. Also, I thought that this would be a great opportunity to be able to share with the girls that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. God has mighty plans for their lives, and they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. My hope is that the girl who was gifted my purse is reminded of that truth as she carries it. Thank you so much, Sew Powerful, for letting me be a part of your ministry.


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